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Spirit Natural

Magnesium Gluconate 500 Mg Tablets

Magnesium Gluconate 500 Mg Tablets

Regular price $12.99 USD
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Magnesium is a mineral that provides nutrients necessary to maintain good health and enables the body to perform basic functions. Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in our body.

Magnesium is one of the most important nutrients for the body's energy production, it also supports heart function and bone formation. Imagine that you feel tired, lack energy to finish daily tasks, feel muscle weakness and your body lacks energy. These are probably symptoms that a person lacks magnesium in the body. This mineral is so important that it is involved in energy production and 300 other reactions in the body, including muscle relaxation and stimulation.

A person who does not get enough daily magnesium from their food, exercises a lot or is pregnant, the risk of magnesium deficiency increases.

The amount of magnesium required daily depends mainly on age and sex. Men have a higher daily requirement, then pregnant women. Athletes and the elderly are two of the groups with the highest incidence of magnesium deficiency. Gastrointestinal diseases and type 2 diabetes are pathologies that can cause a deficit of this nutrient. 

Numbness, muscle cramps, headaches, concentration problems and poor performance, chronic fatigue, anxiety and depression are symptoms of having a magnesium deficit.

Spirit Natural Magnesium brings benefits to the immune system.
The immune system defends the body from infection and disease. Maintaining optimal levels of magnesium is essential to keep this system strong and active. When there is a deficiency of this mineral in the body, the levels of other nutrients automatically drop.

Spirit Natural Magnesium fights fatigue and tiredness.
Magnesium activates the production of enzymes that activate and maintain the body's healthy energy. When magnesium levels are low it causes the immune system to weaken and causes an inflammatory response in the body.

Spirit Natural Magnesium brings benefits to the cardiovascular system.
It is effective in the treatment of various circulatory disorders, prevents muscle spasms, helps prevent high blood pressure and heart attack. Prevents clogging of the arteries.

Spirit Natural Magnesium brings benefits for bones and muscles.
Used to stabilize calcium levels in people with osteoporosis, thus improving bone health and endurance. Improves muscle and joint strength and energy.

Spirit Natural Magnesium brings psychological health benefits.
Optimal levels of magnesium in the body improves the stability of the nervous system. Magnesium deficiency in the body can cause apathy, irritability, mood disorders and concentration problems, as it generates an imbalance of dopamine and serotonin.

Spirit Natural Magnesium is manufactured in the U.S.A., in certified facilities in compliance with good manufacturing policies and under the strictest quality controls.


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