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Spirit Natural, Inc

LibUp for Us - Libido Booster for men and women 30 softgels

LibUp for Us - Libido Booster for men and women 30 softgels

Regular price $29.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $29.00 USD
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Sexual desire varies, and depending on the person and his circumstances, it can be higher or lower. Many factors can affect a man's libido. It is commonly thought that a man should respond to sexual stimuli either visually or by immediate contact, and the truth is that this is false.

Men have many factors that can affect their libido. Stress is the first responsible, the personal circumstances you are living and environmental changes. Having a low libido doesn't have to be a problem, but it can certainly affect self-esteem, confidence and your emotional relationships.

You should keep in mind that Desire and Excitement are 2 different sensations, and that arousal is a physiological response of the body (among them is erection or lubrication). When you are aroused, your body has physical and emotional changes.

Now, sexual desire (sometimes called "libido") is when you feel the desire to have sex, or when your mind or body becomes aroused at the idea of doing something sexual, having sexual thoughts or fantasies, or having sex.


How does low sexual desire manifest itself?

Low sexual desire can be described as a sudden decrease in the desire for lovemaking. and this can occur mostly in men between the ages of 45 to 50 as at this age men begin to experience a loss of hormone levels directly related to sexual activity.

Be aware that this lack of sexual desire can have consequences and can lead to long-term sexual dysfunction problems and present sexual dysfunction problems such as premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.


Causes that can affect sexual desire in men

Sometimes, a low sexual desire can be caused by various situations that have a considerable influence on men's lives.

Psychological factors: this is one of the main reasons for a decrease in libido. Among the former are anxiety and depression.

Pharmacological factors: Continued use of certain medications may result in side effects such as erectile dysfunction or inhibition of sexual desire.

Hormonal factors: Reduced testosterone levels are directly related to decreased libido. Maintaining a balanced diet and exercising regularly is important for maintaining optimal testosterone levels.


You can increase your sexual desire!

Doctor Jay Torres has developed a unique and special formula to increase your libido. LIBUP, Doctor Jay's libido enhancer, is formulated with natural ingredients that work to restore the desire to be with your partner.

Epimedium: increases blood flow to the sexual organs and promotes sexual desire. Epimedium contains Icariin which increases nitric oxide synthesis, improves athletic and sexual performance, improves circulation, protects the kidneys.

Cnidium Monnieri: is an erection-promoting herb and its main bioactive is osthole, which appears to have similar mechanisms to Viagra in penile and hippocampal tissue.

Traditional Chinese Ginseng: promotes the release of nitric oxide and nerve stimulation to trigger erection, exerting a potent antioxidant effect that protects the blood vessels responsible for filling the corpora cavernosa, which are the corpora cavernosa that give rise to erection.

Yohimbine: It is used as an aphrodisiac, as it helps to obtain and maintain an erection, improves the quality of the erection.

L-Arginine: is a natural vasodilator and nitric oxide releaser. It is used in cardiovascular disorders and as an aid in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Green tea: one of the amino acids commonly found in tea, especially green tea, is theanine, which affects serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain, which is responsible for dopamine levels in the brain, responsible among other things for sexual attraction and activation of the pleasure center during intercourse.


Benefits of LibUp x US by Doctor Jay

Increase your libido now with the best natural supplement that helps you regain your sexual desire.

LibUp x Us, Doctor Jay libido enhancer, widens blood vessels and lowers blood pressure, improving the health of your sexual organs, producing firmer and more sustained erections.

LibUp x Us, Doctor Jay libido enhancer, promotes better sexual performance and satisfaction.

LibUp x Us, Doctor Jay libido enhancer, 100% natural, gluten-free, non-GMO and made in the USA under the strictest quality and hygiene controls.



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